Want To Stay Motivated:While Losing Weight?

 Losing weight is a long run process, but it's not a rocket science at the same time.

In a journey from fat to fit people tends to get demotivated easily, especially when are on holidays ,it becomes difficult to control our cravings & to satsify cravings we jump to unhealthy snacks,sweets etc without any second thought or stressing about our weight, but ,later on we realise that, it's time to lose our jeans size(lose weight).

So after reading the above lines I think now you are easily able to know that the journey of transforming from fat to fit starts from your own inner realizationthat now from a particular point of time you need to loss weight.

So, your Inner Realization is the key point on which you further have to stick on and which helps you to stay motivated in the process till you lose your jeans size.

Always remember that you yourself wants and starts to transform your body.Your inner voice tells you to do this.

To make this a little easier and to motivate you try answering these questions:

What is the first thing, first person which gives you idea to lose your weight?

Before experimenting with your own body first understand your body. Want to Stay Fit and Healthier: Understand Your Body.

What motivated you to lose weight?

What are you going to do once you reach your health goals?

What areas of your life will improve if you do lose the weight?

What date do you expect to reach your goals by?

How long are you willing to stick to your healthy lifestyle of proper nutrition, exercise, balanced stress and healthy rest?

Is this going to be a healthy lifestyle change or just a temporary fix? (No judgment, either way, it’s just good for you to know.)

Who can help you stay accountable and are you willing to continue if they aren’t able to be there 24/7?

What are a list of goals or dreams that you would like to try once you lose the weight?

When you set your personal vision for your weight loss, it becomes real to you. You just invested time and energy into creating this list and it is crucial to make this list as attainable and realistic as possible! If you promise yourself to lose 100 pounds by Valentine’s Day, you might be sadly dishonest with yourself without even knowing it. This process of listing what you expect is to help you learn to be accountable to yourself and also realistic in creating achievable goals. Victory over little, attainable goals will help to keep yourself motivated through every season, holiday party or stressful day.

Last but not the least it starts from you, for you, ends at you.


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