Want to Stay Fit and Healthier: Understand Your Body.
First of all I want you to know the main thing about our different body types. I don't know that how many of you are familiar with the 3 major body types (doshas) which plays the vital role for functioning our body.
- Vatta
- Pitta
- Kapha(cough)
According to ayurveda not all exercise is created equal. In fact, the type of exercise you need is totally dependent on your Doshas—both your Prakriti, the Doshic combination you were born with, and your Vikruti, the Doshic combination you have today according to your diet and lifestyle.
If you are also one of them who wishes to lose/gain weight then firstly you must know your body type out of these three (Vatta, Pitta,kapha) then only you will be able to maintain balance between these and achieve your dreams of having proper weight.
Here I m sharing with you what these three body types are so that it'll be fruitful for you to know your body type and soon you will work on yourself accordingly.
You can analyze your body type with these features.
Hope this will prove to be beneficial for you.
See, workout is not the only way which helps you in the journey of your transformation from fat to fit and sometimes by doing workouts you are just hurting your body unknowingly.
Here I won't tell you to take proper diet, doing more physical exercise and all like others usually says.But I want you to know and understand your body and body type and work accordingly because sometimes workouts is not for all.You must know when and what your body needs.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with 3 major body types which helps the functioning of your body.
According to Ayurveda each and every person has one of three following body types irrespective of male and female:-
- Vatta
- Pitta
- Kapha(cough)
Before doing any experiment with your body you must need to understand your body and body type. If you are well aware about your body then only anything gonna work because you know the requirements and needs as per your body and can maintain the balance between your physical exercise and diet you take.If you do so it'll definitely prove beneficial for you and you can achieve your weight loss dream even without hurting your body.
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