Loss Weight with Banana

It's not a new unfamiliar thing you hear about banana , we all are very well familiar with this thing that banana helps in weight gain.
But here is something new to know about it. You might not be heared this fact of banana before.
Banana helps in weight loss.

  • How:-
According to ayurveda mixing any fruit with milk leads to weight gain so it is not recommended to have banana oatmeal smoothie or banana shake for weight loss.6 Effective Food: Weight Loss.
Then too if you wish to loss weight,you can eat banana in the morning in an empty stomach it will definitely works effectively for reducing weight.

  • Conditions:-

  1. Furthermore, if anybody has cough problem so they can sprinkle some Dry Ginger powder (saunth) then can eat it.It not only adds flavour to it but also prove beneficial for cough, running nose, cold as well.
  2. Those who are diabetic and if their diabetes is balanced they can eat half banana or can have pulp from its peel.
  3. Never have banana and milk together,there should be a 30min gap between milk and banana.
  4. Never eat banana in evening.
  5. Avoid sweet, salty and sour food, because it causes weight gain.
Next thing I want you to know that, if you wanna have oatmeal smoothie so it's best option for weight loss, as oats is not a fruit so you can add milk in it, that's why it won't leads to weight gain.
Remember have banana and oats separately.


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