6 Effective Food: Weight Loss.

When it comes to weight loss, so everyone has a dream to lose their jeans size ( to loss weight) and for that so many people are working towards their weight loss goal and are in a dillema too, that what kind of food they should consume to transform their journey from fat to fit.
There are so many questions everyone has who is dreaming to loss weight like:
What kind of food is good for weight loss?
What are the drinks available to reduce weight?
And a lot many such questions they have.But now you need not to worry about it at all because here I come up with a lot of food options available for you which is not only helps you to loss your weight, but also has a good taste.
  • Oats:- Oats are one of the best option for weight loss, but the only thing you need to keep in mind is that oats are not supposed to be contains heavy ingredients. If you wish to lose weight, you may add some veggies and some basic spices only ,oats can be taken as breakfast or dinner as well.
It will definitely helps to loose your weight, and if you are getting bored of taking it in the same form then you may shift and try it in another forms as well like oats idli,oats khichdi,oats chilla etc.
  • Bananas:- When it comes to bnana so everyone has the same mindset and misconception that it only helps in weight gain not helpful in weight loss.You may never hear this before that bnana helps in weight loss as well. You just need to know when and how to have bnana so that it'll be helpful for you in fat loss.
According to Ayurveda Consuming 1 bnana in an empty stomach helps in effective weight loss.
But remember those who have cough problem they can sprinkle cinnamon powder (dalchini) and black pepper before having it.Cinnamon powder not only adds flavor into it but also prove beneficial for those who have cough problem.
And never consume bnana shake because it leads to weight gain.

  • Green leafy veggies:- As we all know, every green vegetable contains chlorophyll, so it helps in increase the cells count RBC/WBC.It is a powerhouse of nutrients and proteins. So it helps to detoxify your body which helps in lower cholesterol. So try to have more and more green leafy veggies if you are dreaming to loss weight.

    For ex:- wheat Grass juice, spinach, cilantro (dhaniya), fenugreek (methi).

  • Mild Spices:- Mild spices is the next best option for those who wanna loss weight. Following are some of the mild spices which is recommended for you to add in your diet for effective results:
    1. Cinnamon (Dalchini)
    2. Ginger
    3. Turmeric
    4. Cardamom.

Try to have all these mild spices in your food in different forms like- turmeric in turmeric tea/golden milk and sprinkle cinnamon powder in it.It not only add flavor to your milk but also leads to weight loss, use ginger in your tea or in any vegetables.
  • Khichdi:- Khichdi plays a vital role in weight loss in Ayurveda Khichdi is a food which is suitable for every body type i.e, Vatta, pitta, kapha( cough).
  • Want to Stay Fit and Healthier: Understand Your Body.
    Because of its tridoshic nature it is prove fruitful in balancing all three doshas of our body.It is recommended to each and every person to take khichdi at 2–3 times in a month.
    You can have so many kinds of kichdi such as: Palak khichdi, vegetable khichdi etc.
    But remember don't add so many heavy ingredients in it, try to make it simple with some basic and mild spices like ginger and turmeric.

  • Fruits and Vegetable Smoothies:- Smoothies are much better option you can have in your weight loss journey.There are so many kinds of fruits and vegetables smoothies you can have.

    Along with having these foods you should also supposed to make a habit of living a healthy lifestyle by doing yoga and mediation and you should know How often and How much Water Should be Consume?

    So that you can put your efforts in all the aspects and can live a stress free and healthy lifestyle.


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