Beat Summers with Dried Plums.

Prunes are also commonly called Aloo Bukhara (dried plums). They have dietary fibre content, which promotes peristaltic movements in the intestines. As a result, waste and toxins gets flush out from your body quite quickly and this can help you in losing weight. Additionally, 100 grams of prunes contains only 240 kcal, making this a good snack for people who need to control their daily calorie intake.
How to take:-
Soak 4 Dried Plums in glass (glass)
And a piece of Taramarind+large mishri(not small mishri)
Drink this water in the morning.

Furthermore, you can drink this water :
After yoga
After drinking normal water
In morning empty stomach.
Remember you can have anything but after 30min of gap after drinking this water.
Health Benefits of Dried Plums:-
  • Good in liver problems
  • Powerhouse of vitamin C
  • Helps in digestion
  • Treats jaundice
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Cure cold
  • Good for appetite
  • Lowers the body heat(Pitta Dosha).
This dried plum water works Cherry on the cake specially to beat summers, you can consume it in winters as well.

This is not only prove fruitful for adults or elders you can give this drink to your children as well.Dried Plum Water is literally a great thing to beat the summers,it is quite effective for weight loss too.


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