Wanna Loss Weight : Here's The Secret Millet.

Jowar/Sorghum For Weight Loss:- If you are singing on to lose your jeans size, then start adding jowar in your diet, as the whopping amount of fibre and about 22 grams of protein helps and promotes to build muscle mass, delays digestion, curb hunger pangs, reduce the calorie intake and helps in losing weight. Jowar is a one of the healthiest and nutritious cereal that can add variety to your diet and at the same time work amazingly well on your overall health and weight and aids in your healthy lifestyle. Jowar is a valued as one of the best atta for weight loss and a wholesome alternative for wheat roti(bread/chapati). The enrichment of nutrients including protein, dietary fibre, calcium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins and C helps in regulating blood sugar levels, control appetite, promotes weight loss and boost energy levels. Apart from these, jowar being a gluten-free grain makes it a heathiest flour for the gut and supports weight loss. 1.BE NEFITS OF JOWAR/SORGHUM/MILLETS:- Dia...