Are gyms really proves fruitful for weight loss : In Covid-19 ?

Before proceeding further first lemme ask you few questions Prior to 19th century was there any gym people could go and work for their fitness? Wasn't the people prior to 19th century weren’t fit and healthy? Wasn't they live longer span of time? Exactly, No…But when talking about 21st century people are more likely to signing on ‘gyms', ’fitness freaks’ etc. Definitely fitness plays vital role in everyone's life and health.But at the same time it's not at all necessary to go to the gym for losing weight.But if you wish to work more on your muscles then you may go, it's totally up to you.There are lots of ways through which you can easily start your journey of transformation from fat to fit, you aren't necessarily require to go to the gyms for the same. And it's icing on the cake if you go for more natural ways to loss your weight rather than using some products which even may have it's side effects as well. Before experimenting with your body f...